
How To Create A Dharma Artifact

This is the most important concept I know that I haven’t yet figured out how to teach.

This article will be my best attempt to teach it.

If I’m successful, this will change your life.

It is the idea that most changed mine.

If you’re not familiar with the ☄️Dharma Artist Mythos, start there.

TL;DR; humanity has been hit by a bomb. It’s the Shimmer. It’s shattered our ability to focus. The next 100 years will be defined by those who figure how out to focus in our modern Schizophrenic Renaissance.

If you understand our situation and you notice the Shimmer, the most important tasks before you are:

  1. Regain your capacity to focus
  2. Help your brothers and sisters who are drowning in the shimmer

The process I’m going to teach here, the process of creating dharma artifacts, is how to do both tasks 1 and 2 in such a way that, as a byproduct, you will also free yourself from the old economic stories.

There is a way to feed your soul, help others, and financially free yourself.

With integrity, authenticity, and artistic audacity.

I’m going to show you how.

Short Version: Play The Focused45 Game

Because the Shimmer Effect is real, I’m going to cut to the chase.

If you start playing the following game, after two or three cycles, you’re going to start winning at the game of life in a way you haven’t yet allowed yourself to believe is possible.

For people with a deeper capacity for focus, enjoy this section, but the real meat will be in the Long Version that comes after this section.

Step 1: Check out the PDF below on how to play the game


Step 2: Screenshot the picture below


Step 3: If you post your version on IG and tag me, I’ll share it.

Step 4: Commit to this for the next 45 days

Step 5: Once You Improve Your Focus, Read The Full Version

Full Version:

How To Feed People: The Dharma Artifact

The Dharma Artifact Recipe



Act (and Measure)



Putting It All Together